Sunday, July 19, 2009

WMA Meets at Grandview Campground 7/18/2009

WMA President and Chief PooBah Jim Reichert
With his Sixteen Inch Meade Lightbridge Telescope:

WMA Vice President, Quartemaster, and Web Master Paul Kreitz
with his ancient 12 inch Meade LX200 Classic telescope:
WMA Secretary/Treasurer and Imaging Guru
Jeff Husted with his 18 inch Obsession Telescope:

WMA Past President and Community Relations Director
Rich Garner with his 15 inch Obsession Telescope:

The Officers and Directors of WMA hard at work discussing
the Mission Statement for the Association, and the Bylaws and Constitution:


  1. Do you guys use the radio telescopes for SETI. I'm an unemployed SETI astronomer and I'm looking for a job.

  2. I'm a professor of astrophysics and a SETI scientist at the University of California at Berkely. As you probably know, UCB has an array of radio telescopes at Hat Creek in northern California. These telescopes are used as a passive device to receive and detect an unnatural radio signal across the entire electromagetic spectrum.

    I would like to schedule a field trip for our MS candidates in astrophysics with WMA at your site and at your convience.

    Thank you.

    Do you think SETI will be successful? And if not does that prove we are alone in the galaxy?

    SETI scientist

  3. Dear Mr. Anonymous SETI Scientist:

    I hope that you recognized that FWMA is a totally tongue-in-cheek "organization" of 4 guys who enjoy comeraderie while observing with the depicted optical scopes. the radio telescopes shown are property of Owens Valley Radio Observatory ( at which a graduate assistant recently graciously gave us an unofficial casual tour. For any serious discussion, I suggest that you check with them.

  4. These FWMA guys think that owning 4 or 5 occulars is sufficient. I strongly disagree. While one could play Chopsticks on a piano with only a few keys, why deprive the world of Beethoven ? I believe a proper collection eyepieces should include focal lenths from 3mm to 35 mm in ONE mm increments. Sure, that would be thirty some eyepieces, but if you can carry your occular box by yourself, you need more!
