The FWMA was founded on the principles of anarchy, dissention, and bad blood. I believe we have all strived very hard to meet and exceed that criteria, and have done a great job doing so.
We are dedicated to use the “F” word at least three times in each sentence, expulsion of mass quantities of flatulence at any given moment, and berating and demeaning other club members on their personal hygiene habits and choice of telescope equipment just because we feel like it. It’s actually quite an enlightening experience.
WMA operates under a very strict and autocratic, yet progressive and benevolent form of governance. This is to keep any potential opposition parties (aka “Rich’s Rebels” and “Garner’s Gaffer’s”) from gaining a foothold in the organization. Subversive groups such as these promote neo-conservative ideologies such as requiring that, among other things, roads within Grandview campground remain unpaved, campsites remain arid and water-less, toilets remain flush-less, observing sites remain rocky and uneven patches of dirt, and all illumination mechanisms emit only red light. All this in the name of keeping the facility “pristine”. With all the money we’ve spent on our telescopes, ccd cameras, notebook computers, software, battery packs, focal reducers, flatteners, extenders, coma correctors, filter wheels, carousels, flip mirrors, guiders, rotators, de-rotators, etc., etc., one would think one is imbued with an inalienable right to at least some minimal creature comforts in which to enjoy them.